Trust your journey with Jesus, no matter if difficult and unexpected.
Strong Women
This unnamed woman demonstrates unconditional love that impels her to reach out to Jesus. Perhaps she has run out of options, or has n
Become the Light
Times in our world seem full of darkness, what with unspeakably horrible war atrocities, and yet another school shooting. Too, we are...
Presence of God: Fear or Love?
The presence of God in the Old Testament, she said, is fear-based, and the awareness of God in the New Testament is love-based.
Hyperlink to God
Mystics, in all religious traditions, will tell you God is within you. Atheists, too...
Horse Strong
Read the first novel in my series, Mud Mare, about a horse learning and teaching trust Excerpt: I hold out an apple and wave it in the...
Fresh Wine of the Spirit
How many of us are well-versed in Scripture and even know many Biblical passages? Nicodemus was a leader and teacher, but he comes in the...
Sacred Feminine, Sacred Earth
When I got up this morning and looked out of my second story window, it looked as if it had snowed. But it was a display of white dogwood...
Rest in the God of Love and Wholeness
hope can be experienced when we put our faith in God who is a force of love and power. Rest in God (Mystery of Love)
Faith Journey
Superb spiritual and witty writer Anne Lamott, in her book Traveling Mercies, tells of her faith journey. She’d been showing up in the...