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FANTASY NOVELS, seeking a new publisher

The books in the series first published by (Emily’s Shadow, Blue Caravan, and Stonewise Dreamer) explore England in the aftermath of World War II through the eyes of Emily, a working class girl with psychic abilities she’d just as soon forget. Merlin, the timeless wizard, shows up and expects her to help and he never can be banished even when she's grown-up and working as a bus conductress in Cambridge.

Emily's Shadow



Emily, now that World War II is almost over, yearns for an end to bloodshed. She longs for family, but not one that includes her new stepmother. Carol, though, is preferable to Vivienne, the medieval sorceress who vanquished Merlin. Emily can’t believe the ugly visions in her head, can’t believe a witch from a past century still exists and wants something from her, something far from peaceful…

Blue Caravan



Emily is trying to put the past behind her, including the crazy time in Cornwall when she encountered Vivienne, the evil sorceress who once bested the magician Merlin, but even as she denies the reality of the supernatural, it is roiling toward her inside a blue caravan, driven by the splendid Romany, Bernard Moses.

Stonewise Dreamer

ASIN: B01LOB7326


Emily goes to Cambridge with the dream of getting into Newnham College, but it is 1950. Most women have no chance of earning a degree. She gets an education she'd rather have avoided, one that forces her to pay attention to psychic phenomena and meet some discarnate spirits.

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